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Service Academy Nomination FAQs

What is a nomination?
All appointments to the service academies are made by the President.  To be considered for an appointment, you must have a nomination from an authorized nominating source. Title 10, U.S. Code, establishes two nomination categories. The first, usually referred to as a “congressional nomination,” includes the nomination of the Vice President and Members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives. The second, referred to as “service-connected” or “military affiliated” nominations, includes the selections of the President and nominations of the appropriate service (i.e. Secretary of the Army for nominations to the U.S. Military Academy).

What are the basic eligibility requirements?
Each applicant for a nomination must meet the following eligibility requirements as of July 1st of the year of admission to an academy:

  • Citizenship: U.S. citizenship, or having obtained it by graduation
  • Residency: Louisiana’s 1st Congressional District
  • Congressional nomination: United States Air Force Academy, United States Naval Academy, United States Merchant Marine Academy and United States Military Academy
  • Age: by July 1 of entering year, at least 17, but not older than 23
  • Marital Status or Dependency: unmarried, not pregnant, no legal obligation to support children
  • Academic: Must complete SAT-1 or ACT examinations
  • Must pass academy physical requirements and medical examination
  • Must be of strong moral character

How do I receive Congressman Scalise’s Academy Nomination Application?

Complete the request form on or contact the Academy Coordinator in the Mandeville District Office at 985-893-9064.

When do I apply for a nomination?
The congressman can only nominate students who are going to be at least 17 years old by July 1 of the year entering an Academy and no older than 23. However, we recommend that students begin familiarizing themselves with the various academies and their respective requirements early in their high school years. Please contact the office at (985) 893-9064 for other questions not addressed on the congressman’s website or this FAQ sheet.

What is the deadline for completing a nomination file?

The deadline for submitting the completed application to the Mandeville District Office is October 29, 2021.  

What must be included in my nomination file?
A complete nomination file consists of the following items:
1) Application Form
2) A current headshot photo of applicant (wallet size)
3) Nomination Questionnaire 
4.) Three Evaluation Forms (similar to recommendations but specific questions)
5.) SAT or ACT scores
6.) Official Transcripts

What happens after I have completed my nomination file?
Candidates applications will be reviewed and interviews will be set up with Congressman Scalise’s Nomination Board.  Interviews are usually held the first week in December.  

What criteria is used in selecting candidates?
Nominations are based on a "whole person" evaluation. Factors such as academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, leadership skills, physical aptitude, character and motivation are taken into consideration and compared with other applicants.

How many academies are there?

There are five service academies.
* U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York
* U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland
* U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs
* U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York
* U.S. Coast Guard Academy at New London, Connecticut

Are the requirements the same for all of the service academies?
No. Although many of the qualifications are similar, each academy operates under its own admissions guidelines. Refer to the Service Academy Contact Information for the academy of your choice and contact them directly for an academy catalog. Each academy will outline its particular admissions qualifications.

Will I automatically be selected by the academy after I receive a nomination?
No. You will be placed among a select group of nominees, and the academy of your choice will make the final decision. If selected, you will receive an offer of admission (an appointment) directly from the academy.

What if I choose more than one academy? Will I be limited to a single nomination?
No. You can be nominated to multiple academies depending on how well you have competed among this year's pool of candidates. It is also possible to win multiple appointments.

When will I know if I have been offered an appointment by an academy?

Some Academies will begin to notify candidates of their admissions as early as January. All offers of appointment are generally sent out by May.
